let us guide you

are you ready to change the way you practice law?

Change is good

LexHaven. A Community of Legal ChangeMakers.

At LexHaven, you will find a community of like-minded attorneys interested in changing the way law is practiced, achieving results for their clients, realizing their personal and professional goals.

LexHaven’s team provides coaching and consulting on business strategy, firm leadership, and personal and professional alignment for mindful solo and small firm owners who strive to practice law differently.


“I forgot about all of the things I achieved last year - it was inspiring to look back and realize what I can achieve in the year ahead!”

“I signed up for LexHaven’s 2024 retreat with an open mind and an open heart based on my familiarity with their fine work and reputation. I looked forward to experiencing what they would bring to the table - and what that would elicit from me as I set my vision for the year ahead. They, of course, did not disappoint! Four hours flew by, and days later, I continue to work through the materials they provided as I refine my goals for the near future. It was a very worthwhile morning, and I look forward to more opportunities to work with LexHaven.”

“Accomplishing a goal is so much more than crossing something off a to do list. It takes personal insight into creating the steps necessary to get there and putting in the work to take those next steps. Spent the morning putting to paper my vision and goals for 2024 with the team at LexHaven!”

Our Services

  • Community of Legal ChangeMakers

    We are a community comprised of forward thinking legal professionals committed to thinking outside of the box and doing law differently.

    This community serves as a platform for lawyers, legal experts, and like-minded individuals to collaborate and share their knowledge and experiences in order to effect meaningful change.

  • Group and Individual Coaching

    Participating in coaching for your law practice offers a unique opportunity for you to engage with fellow legal professionals, exchange valuable experiences, and tap into the collective wisdom of both your LexHaven coach and attorney peers.

  • Strategic Consulting for Law Firms

    Our concierge service provides comprehensive and tailored solutions to help legal practices optimize their operations, achieve growth, and stay competitive in an ever-evolving legal landscape. Our team of experienced consultants works closely with your firm to identify specific challenges, goals, and opportunities, and then develops customized strategies to address them.